
JASPROSESPRITE^2: I've got your "constitution" right here!

JASPROSESPRITE^2: Look at this bupkis.

JANE: This is the founding document of a democratic world government!

JANE: I would hardly call that bupkis.

JASPROSESPRITE^2: Swifer, darling?

SWIFER: Uh, yes ma'am?

JASPROSESPRITE^2: Could you read out the fifth amendment to the Earth C Purresidentail Compact?

SWIFER: Yes, right away!!

SWIFER: A-HEM. The fifth amendment to the ECPC goes...

SWIFER: "When you are being questioned for a crime, you may say you 'plead the fifth' and nobody can make you talk."

JANE: Okay, that's.

JANE: Reasonably informal, yes.

JASPROSESPRITE^2: It's exactly the description you'd get from someone writing a constitution based off a shallow approximation of American Earth culture discovered via archaeologically-preserved cop movies, is what it fucking is!

SWIFER: You talk very fast, ma'am.

JASPROSESPRITE^2: Yeah, well, you should see what else I can do.

JASPROSESPRITE^2: Listen, Janey.



JASPROSESPRITE^2: Your government's a fucking joke.

JASPROSESPRITE^2: It's for clowns, by clowns, and you're the clownfucker-in-chief.

JANE: I can't believe I'm getting called a JOKE by a fucking MONGREL HOUSECAT!





MD: !

JANE: Why are you all looking at me like that.

JANE: Jake. Explain.

JAKE: Well its an, erm,

JANE: ...

JAKE: Its a little impolite?

JASPROSESPRITE^2: It's the kind of purroblematic nonsense that always manages to escape those purrsed lips of yours!

JASPROSESPRITE^2: Now I'm just a simple kitty goddess with broad multiuniversal knowledge of multiple timelines' experience, who also happens to be the infinitely wise lesbotic Casanova of anyone's dreams, but I know a red flag when I see it.

JANE: (Humble, too.)