- - "[S] 8r8k."
- - "==>"
- - "Terezi: Take my hand."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Terezi: Contemplate."
- - "Hours in the future, but not many..."
- - "==>"
- - "END OF ACT 1"
- - "==>"
- - "(John: Get your shit blasted.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jane: Your goose is cooked! Actually push that big red button.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jade: Inspect battlefield.)"
- - "(Harry + Vrissy: Be understanding.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jake: Look out into distance.)"
- - "(Jane: Commence battle.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jane: Release the Brig Boys.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jane: Look behind you.)"
- - "(Jane: Consider, is it too late?)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jane: Push the big red button. Blast it all to high heaven.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Commanders: Congregate.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Rose: Ramble.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "{S} Begin Session."
- - "{==>}"
- - "{==>}"
- - "{==>}"
- - "{==>}"
- - "{==>}"
- - "{==>}"
- - "{==>}"
- - "{==>}"
- - "{==>}"
- - "[S] {Vriska: Come to.}"
- - "Grumpy Exposition Creature: Exposit."
- - "(==>)"
- - "[S] (Vriska: Figure shit out yourself.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "The Plot Point."
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(John and Roxy: Co-parent.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(John and Vriska: Touch down.)"
- - "(Page of Hope: Rise up.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jake: Calmly assess the situation.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jane: Start monologuing.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jane: Educate these fools on the art of war.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Rebellion Commanders: Finish up here.)"
- - "(Karkat: Answer urgent comms.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(An hour later...)"
- - "(LOBsTERs: Assemble.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Rebellion Commanders: Confer.)"
- - "(BIGGEST KAHUNA: Return to base.)"
- - "(Big Kahuna: Check the door.)"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Strilondes: Banter."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Dirk: Render yourself in a more age-appropriate manner this instant."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Dirk: Say hello."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "(Rose + Kanaya: Receive call.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Tavvy: Continue to hold two cans.)"
- - "(CRACK.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jade: Remember.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Be the selfish adults.)"
- - "(Yiffy: Enjoy the show.)"
- - "(Yiffy: Swipe a backstage pass.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Yiffy: Receive finishing blow.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Yiffy: Concern yourself with the nervous lad.)"
- - "(Yiffy: Reveal true suffering.)"
- - "(Be Yiffany Longstocking.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Harry: Reunite with Vrissy.)"
- - "(Harry: Try to contact Vrissy again.)"
- - "(Harry: Contact Tavvy.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Harry: Abscond.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Harry: Investigate the noise.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Harry: Toss the satchel.)"
- - "(Harry: Commence the dress parade.)"
- - "(Harry: Acquire Sheriff Dry Hops.)"
- - "(Harry: Take the bunny out of the box.)"
- - "(Harry: Examine bunny.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Harry: Head to your room.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Be Harry Anderson Egbert.)"
- - "==>"
- - "ahem."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "that's b-"
- - "Muse: Breathe."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Seconds in the future, but not many."
- - "==>"
- - "Shithead: Come on."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Weeks later, but not many..."
- - "Knight: Lose yourself to the music."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Meanwhile..."
- - "Take a beat."
- - "Muse: Consolidate."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "cease this nonsense. you are now jade."
- - "unacceptable. be. jade."
- - "what."
- - "be "Jade.""
- - "be Jade."
- - "Months ago, but not many."
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Vriska: Strike a Pose in case Shit gets REAL or if any8ody is watching.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jake: Eavesdrop.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Vriska: Snoop.)"
- - "(Be Vriska.)"
- - "(Vrissy: Check your messages.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Vrissy: Do your own thang.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Vriskas: Exit the cell.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Vrissy: Use Your Sicknasty Brain Exploitables.)"
- - "(Vrissy: Get a guard's attention.)"
- - "(Vrissy: Try the door.)"
- - "(Vrissy: Get key.)"
- - "(Vrissy: Call for help.)"
- - "(Be Vrissy.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(John: Investigate noise.)"
- - "==>"
- - "Meanwhile..."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "T3LL M3."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "I'm going to need to interrupt you for a moment."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Legislacerator: ACCUSE."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "HHT: Grow tired of these SH3N4N1G4NS."
- - "Accused: Dodge the question."
- - "Legislacerator: Proceed."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "CHAPTER 16. Welcome to my Secret Lair"
- - "==>"
- - "MSPA Reader: Know immediately."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "CHAPTER 15. Ok So There's This Flower"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "CHAPTER 14. The Best Laid Plans"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "CHAPTER 13. The Funeral"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Dave: Grapple with the clean, soggy consequences of the passage of time."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "CHAPTER 12. Really Convoluted Metaphorical Horseshit"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Weeks in the future, relative to the original point of interest..."
- - "Back to reality."
- - "(==>)"
- - "[S] (Gaze.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Months in the past, but not many...)"
- - "==>"
- - "Knight: Keep it real."
- - "CHAPTER 11. History's Most Notorious Haters"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "CHAPTER 10. 1 WOND3R WH4T TH3Y T4ST3 L1K3"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Yiffy: Lights out.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "CHAPTER 9. How Goes The Eulogizing, Dear?"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Vriska: Snap.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Everyone: Congreg8.)"
- - "(Harry: Select "SCISSORKIND".)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Harry: Acquire scissors.)"
- - "(Harry: Examine sewing table.)"
- - "(Harry: Go gra8 a weapon.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Jade and Rose: Explain everything.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(High above the clouds...)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Harry: Pick up.)"
- - "(Kids: Converse.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "CHAPTER 8. A Daughter Astray"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(Room: Examine yourself.)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "CHAPTER 7. Distress Call From the Closet"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "[S] ==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "CHAPTER 6. A Conversation Regarding Relevance"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Dirk and Rose: Behold."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Dirk: Push the button."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Dirk and Rose: Proceed to lab."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Rose: Render yourself more symbolically this instant."
- - "Rose: Enter."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "CHAPTER 4. The Contest"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "meanwhile..."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "...and finds her, momentarily."
- - "the knight of time seeks a sylph..."
- - "the prince is contemplated for a moment in silence."
- - "==>"
- - "the rogue is also awake."
- - "sleep is abandoned, coffee sought."
- - "karkat is characteristically appreciative of the alarm call."
- - "the knight of blood falls."
- - "i enter."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "CHAPTER 3. How Are Your Feelings"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "CHAPTER 2. Clown Logistics"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "(==>)"
- - "CHAPTER 1. Ghostflusters"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Dirk: Get this show on the road."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "SCR34M L1K3 4 W1GGL3R 4ND T1DY YOUR D3SK"
- - "==>"
- - "L1B3R4T3 L4LOND14N L1BR4RY"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Dirk: Inspect delicious houseplants."
- - "==>"
- - "Dirk: Paint. Paper. Get to work."
- - "Dirk: Contemplate equine iconography."
- - "Dirk: Examine room."
- - "Dirk: Stop making Homestuck."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Dirk: Commune."
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "==>"
- - "Somewhere, in the distant reaches of space..."