
DIRK: What's that noise I'm hearing.
DIRK: It sounds a little bit like a cat being caught in a ventilation fan. A sort of...
DIRK: Inhuman screeching, combined with the grinding of metal.
DIRK: Are we even going to make it to the ground?
ROSEBOT: Oh, no,
ROSEBOT: The ship's fine as far as I can tell.
ROSEBOT: That's just Terezi laughing.
DIRK: She's... enjoying this, isn't she.
ROSEBOT: I suppose so.
DIRK: What?
ROSEBOT: The mood is kind of infectious actually.
ROSEBOT: I suppose it's about time we had a little fun around here.
DIRK: Glad to hear it.
DIRK: ...
DIRK: Rose?
ROSEBOT: Yes Dirk.
DIRK: ...
DIRK: How do you feel about games?