
VRISKA: Nice to meet you, Vrissy.
Vrissy smirks and takes Vriska's hand, letting herself get pulled to her feet.VRISSY: Fuck yeah, I Love it.
VRISSY: So now that we have that locked down, what's First on the list of Awesome Shit we're gonna do Together?
VRISKA: Well...I know I just got done telling you not to talk a8out it, 8ut we should pro8a8ly do something a8out this 8ody.
VRISSY: Yeah, I guess we shouldn't just leave a dead 8eloved Religious Figurehead laying around in the 8ushes, even if he Sucks Shit.
VRISSY: Especially if he's Rich Auntie Crocker's Right Hand Clown.
VRISKA: Well, What do you think????????? I don't know shit a8out this place, and we need to move fast.
VRISKA: Know any good cullpits?
VRISSY: I told you already, I don't ever get up to Anything nearly as Interesting as you did.
VRISKA: Till now ;;;;)
VRISSY: Heh. Yeah.
VRISSY: Anyway, I have some People I can call. Hold on.