VRISSY: Hey, it's Vrissy.
TAVROS: w,, who,
TAVROS: Vriska?
VRISSY: Yeah, but Vrissy is a Thing now. Roll with it.
TAVROS: Okay, uh,, Vrissy,
VRISSY: We kinda Need a Ride
VRISSY: Yeah just some other people, no 8ig Deal.
VRISKA: ::::(
TAVROS: Are we,, acquainted,
VRISSY: Yeah you know them, in a Way.
TAVROS: I'm,,,
TAVROS: What does that mean,
VRISSY: What do you mean what does that mean? It means turn off the Fucking Autopilot and get to speeding on over here to Find Out ;]
VRISKA: ::::)
TAVROS: Okay, I'll leave presently,
TAVROS: Oh,, where am I going,
VRISSY: Yeah yeah, I'll send you the address. See you Soon.
Vrissy puts the phone in her back pocket and settles her hand on her cocked hip.VRISSY: That was Tavros. He's on his way.