
Well, almost.
KANAYA: Try Calling Her Again!
ROSE: I HAVE tried, but she's not picking up!!
KANAYA: What About Harry Anderson Or Tavros!
ROSE: Kanaya, nobody is answering!!!
KANAYA: Rose I Feel Like I Must Sink To The Level Of Stating The Obvious But This Is Terrible!
KANAYA: This Is Awful!
KANAYA: This Is!
KANAYA: Aaaaaaargh!
KANAYA: I Cant Think Of Any More Related Adjectives!
ROSE: It's...
ROSE: Kanaya, I don't want to resort to idle, baseless platitudes.
ROSE: So I won't.
ROSE: I don't understand what's going on any more than you do, and I'm sorry.
ROSE: I'm sorry!
KANAYA: Rose Our Daughter Is In Danger And We Are But Powerless To Help Her!
KANAYA: I Do Not Understand Why This Is Happening Or What Precise Series Of Events Led To This Predicament But I Doubt That They Are Directly Or Indirectly Your Fault!
KANAYA: I Feel Like Your Apologising Is Serving As The Very Baseless Platitude Which You Sought To Avoid!
ROSE: No, I know.
ROSE: I know, dear.
ROSE: I just wish I had answers!! My useless powers aren't being any help, and what's worse,
ROSE: I can't see ANYTHING useful on this stupid news channel!!
KANAYA: I Think It Is A Cruel Irony That We Are Forced To Depend On Crocker's Branded Coverage Of Our Own Daughters Headhunting!
KANAYA: Not To Mention That The Quality Of This Broadcast Leaves Something To Be Desired!
KANAYA: I Know That We Are Enemies But I Really Expected Better Of Such A Shrewd Businesswoman!
ALFONZ: excuse me mA'Ams
ROSE: I just don't understand what Vriska was doing there in the first place...
ROSE: Forgetting the fact that Gamzee's dead for a moment,
KANAYA: No I Cant Do That Theyve Just Started Showing The Picture Of Him Again
ROSE: Ugh, god.
KANAYA: For Once The Thought Of His Putrescent Corpse Does Nothing To Quell My Anxiety!
ALFONZ: if i could just tAke A moment of your time
ALFONZ: its A mAtter of some urgency
KANAYA: This Is All So Upsetting That I Cannot Even Find Satisfaction In His Death!
KANAYA: Not When They Have Started Using It As Justification To Call Our Daughter A Terrorist!
KANAYA: And All That Is Without Even Mentioning The Fact!
KANAYA: That Somehow!!
ALFONZ: (*deep breath*)
KANAYA: The Other Vriska Is Also Here!!!