DAVE: not gonna come over here huh
DAVE: no its cool
DAVE: dont get up i know jakes shitty furniture pile is the most comfortable seat in the house
DAVE: wouldnt want to interrupt whatever important mushroom business you got goin on
DAVE: say hi to shiitake for me
DAVE: thats the only mushroom i know this bits falling apart fast back me up
ROXY: theres toadstools
DAVE: thats what i like to hear anyway wow just like in my video games
DAVE: only i wouldnt be caught dead playing that baby shit
DAVE: im a serious gamer who demands a serious ancillary video game guy
DAVE: only the most grizzled and and war hardened men doing only the most upsettingly ludicrous maneuvers can whet my discerning appetite
ROXY: dave my guy
ROXY: gotta stay on task
DAVE: yeah roxy get it together ive had just about enough of your tangents
DAVE: have some pride man
ROXY: lmao oh ok you got me
ROXY: anyways we need to talk about ship etiquette