
JANE: I'm referring to his death.
DIRK: (Oh, what the fuck.)
JANE: Not saying it's all your fault.
DIRK: (Wow.)
JANE: Dirk just never *got* you.
JANE: He thought he could figure you out, make all the right moves, and you'd be happy.
JANE: But people have to want themselves to be happy.
JANE: And the only thing you've ever consistently wanted was to be absolved.
JANE: I understand that now.
JAKE: ... And?
JANE: And I accept you, Jake!
JANE: That's why I have confidence our union will endure forever.
JANE: You release me of all my doubts. And I can't be disappointed by you.
JAKE: Huh...
DIRK: (Hm.)
JANE: I...
JANE: Oh, fucking... pixie sticks.
JANE: I have to leave for the bridge.
JANE: The enemy is moving into position as we speak.
JAKE: Do you...
JAKE: Do you still need that water tested?
JANE: Haha, no.
JANE: I drank it all in my hysterics without even noticing.
JAKE: And youre okay?
JANE: Completely fine! It really was just... water.
JAKE: I had hoped!
JANE: Hoo hoo, thank you. :B
JANE: ...
JANE: Listen, Jake.
JANE: I won't be able to really talk for some time once this whole final battle shebang kicks off, but I need you to know.
JANE: I am sorry.
JANE: For a lot of things.
JANE: I promise.
JANE: I just need you to believe in me a little while longer.
JAKE: Of course janey... of course.
JAKE: I... love you.
JANE: I know, J.
JANE: I know.