
JANE: Young lady, I am just about at the end of my rope with you.
JANE: Throw all the dog bowls you want at the walls of my warship.
JANE: But don't you dare act up in front of a
JANE: Live
JANE: Fucking
JANE: Newsfeed!
YIFFY: Grrrrrr
JANE: After everything I've done for you--paying for your education, helping your parents cover up your existence from the world!
JANE: Just imagine what Rose and Jade would say if they could see you now, even dissidents can have a little decorum!
JANE: Get down from there at once!
YIFFY: Grrrrrr
JANE: Don't you threaten me, young lady. Not today!
JANE: There's nowhere for you to go. My agents are swarming this church. Be reasonable, Yiffany.
JANE: Ugh.
JANE: Disgusting name.
JANE: But that's hardly your fault. You were always just a footnote. Your parents' little prank.
JANE: Honestly, that's why I helped them all those years ago! I do love a good jape.
JANE: But let's be serious.
JANE: You don't matter. If you did, they would have come for you already.