

VRISKA: Just... shoosh, lemme stop you right there.


VRISKA: I don't have all day to sit around listening to a frumpy exposition creature.

JOHN: but you said t-

VRISKA: 8up 8up 8up!

VRISKA: You too.

VRISKA: Here's the story.

VRISKA: It's o8vious to anyone with half a pan that this whole shindig is pretty much cosmically clusterfucked, top to 8ottom.

VRISKA: Equally o8vious is that I'm gonna 8e the one to fix it, 8ecause when am I not?

VRISKA: And what's 8ecoming even MORE o8vious to me is that none of you actually have any REAL idea of what it is I need to 8e doing here!

VRISKA: Theories, may8e.

VRISKA: 8ut nothing solid.

VRISKA: So while I'd love to sit around listening to more academic conjecture on the ifs ands or 8uts of what EXACTLY this thing's deal is and what we should or shouldn't may8e do with it, I actually wouldn't love that at all, and am not going to do it, 8ecause it'd be a waste of my time.

VRISKA: And no offense to this whole plane of existence, 8ut I've had just a8out as much as I can handle of wasting my time in here.

VRISKA: It's time to kick off the training wheels and do what I do 8est:

VRISKA: Figure shit out myself.

VRISKA: So sit tight and leave the rest of this to me!

VRISKA: You can thank me when I get 8ack.