
DAVE: maybe
DAVE: this whole thing is kinda bullshit and we are adults capable of being the people we need to be at the time it is appropriate to be that person
ROXY: what do u mean
DAVE: ok so theres this flower
ROXY: omg not u too with the flower
ROXY: i heard this story like five times
DAVE: oh ok
DAVE: but you get it right
DAVE: the story is what you make it
DAVE: and in that case maybe we are assigning this cosmic importance to things that dont need metatextual meaning
ROXY: i rly dont think thats the point of the story tbh
DAVE: then what do you think it means
ROXY: broson im sayin this with the utmost respect for u
ROXY: its not that deep
ROXY: its just a story
DAVE: then what about this
DAVE: do you think dirks right
DAVE: are we just a story that needs a villain
DAVE: are we heroes rescuing a damsel in distress
DAVE: or are we just people doing things that feel right at the time
ROXY: ya maybe this is just our arc
DAVE: i dont think life is just a series of arcs
ROXY: well to be fair
ROXY: our lives have just been a series of arcs
ROXY: and we r basically rushin off to save a damsel
ROXY: tho dont tell her i said that lmao
ROXY: ofc i want everyone to sort it out
ROXY: hunky dory
DAVE: but thats not what youre asking
ROXY: but thats not what im askin
ROXY: what i wanna know is