(Everyone: Congreg8.)

HARRY: ok, i think i'm as ready as i'm ever going to be.
HARRY: which isn't really saying very much.
HARRY: how about you guys.
VRISSY: Well, in simple terms, We're Fucked.
VRISSY: We still don't have a way out, and more and more Reporters are showing up every second.
VRISSY: And the moment we step outside, we're Targets for the Crocker Cops.
TAVROS: We must evade them at all costs,,,
TAVROS: They are,,, with some certainty,,, under orders to capture vrissy,,, and,,, also me,
TAVROS: And,,, i'm not sure whose punishment is likely to be worse,,,
HARRY: how are you holding up, tavros?
TAVROS: M, me,,,?
TAVROS: I'm,,,
TAVROS: I'm quite well,,, harry anderson,,, thank you for asking,,,
HARRY: ok...
TAVROS: However,,, i must admit,,, the thought of our impending pursuit,,, and potential capture,,, makes my blood run cold,,,
HARRY: yeah. the more i think about it, the more nervous i feel.
HARRY: i've had stage fright before, but this is ridiculous!
HARRY: haha...
HARRY: ...
HARRY: ...
HARRY: look, tavros.
HARRY: in case we don't make it out of this,
HARRY: i just wanted to say,
HARRY: that
HARRY: i'm so--
VRISKA: Alright, are we done here?
HARRY: um.
VRISKA: Forget it.
VRISKA: I've been stuck in this room for what feels like a month and I'm at my fucking limit.
VRISKA: I'm outta here.
TAVROS: B, But,,,
HARRY: you can't just-
VRISSY: Vriska, we're Tr8pped!
VRISSY: How are we supposed to Le8ve?!
VRISKA: You guys are free to do whatever you want, 8ut I'm just going to use the front door.
VRISSY: *Excuse Me*????????
VRISKA: L8r 8itches.