DIRK: Sup.
ROSE: I thought you had to punch the cards to use them in the shunt slots.
ROSE: I recall devising a sequence of analogies for the process in my walkthrough, once upon a time.
ROSE: Hardly my best work, but the principles were sound.
DIRK: No, you're right.
ROSE: I was being politely self-effacing, Dirk. You didn't have to agree with me.
DIRK: About the holes in the cards, I mean.
DIRK: I'm not really sure why we don't have to do that any more.
DIRK: I think this machine... punches the cards with the correct pattern once you put them in?
DIRK: Although the implication is that it somehow reads what is on the card, in order to punch it with the holes which enable it to read that same information.
ROSE: That sounds like an appropriate degree of profound ridiculousness.
ROSE: I love it.
DIRK: Yeah.
DIRK: I'm a bit surprised you remember anything about this shit.
DIRK: Even though we can't technically forget anything any more.
ROSE: Me too.
ROSE: It's amazing what pieces of inconsequential information your mind can recall at a moment's notice, a whole decade after they were last relevant or interesting to anyone.
ROSE: ...
ROSE: I think I missed this.