(Harry: Contact Tavvy.)

-- thespiansGlamor [TG] began pestering glutinousGymnast [GG] --
TG: yo tav.
TG: you there?
TG: you heard from vrissy yet?
TG: she hasn't answered me in a while.
-- thespiansGlamor [TG] is now an idle chum! --
TG: helloooo.
TG: cool!
TG: i'm being snubbed by you too.
TG: i mean you should probably try to message her, she left without telling me where she was going yesterday.
TG: and i don't know if she's up to some kind of trouble or not?
TG: i mean, i'm not gonna make a stink about her going off on her own, she can handle herself.
TG: but she went with vriska?
TG: so thats pretty fucking suspect on its own.
TG: vriska is like this entirely different animal, it's not gonna be your typical charming vrissy shenanigans.
-- thespiansGlamor [TG] is now an idle chum! --
TG: tavvy?
TG: stop leaving me on read, dude. i know you're reading these.
GG: Oh,,, um,, i havent heard from her,,,
TG: then can you try to ping her?
GG: I will message her soon,,, its just that currently i am in a bit of a pickle,,,,,,,,,,,, something rather emotionally fraught,,,,,, and serious,
GG: I could give it a go,,, in a little bit,,,,
TG: god dude, no wonder she can't rely on you for shit.
TG: it's like pulling teeth to get you to do anything.
TG: ...
TG: hello??? are you still there?
GG: Well,,,
GG: Unfortunately,,, its showing that shes offline,
GG: So it follows that even if i did ping her,,, i would see the same amount of responses that you are seeing,,,
GG: Which is to say,,, none,
GG: Unless she is pretending to be offline,,, on account of you texting her way too much,,, again,,,,,
TG: are you fucking serious??
GG: I didnt mean to come across as brash,,, there are just more troubling things for me to attend to,,,
TG: i get that, whatever.
TG: i still don't feel good about this.
TG: don't you wanna know where our girlfriend is???
GG: I do but,,,,
GG: I am sort of occupied with the aforementioned pickle,,, with her mothers and Aunt Jade,,,
TG: oh.
TG: then can you ask them? like the few obvious things you can do here?
GG: Id,,,, rather not,,, miss Maryam seems a bit,,, hot under the collar,,,
TG: yikes.
TG: alright, i get it.
TG: would not wanna be in that room either lmao.
TG: i've seen her tear into vrissy after one of her sneak outs.
TG: shit's straight up terrifying. i don't blame you.
GG: ,,,Seeing as i am actively in the radius of her discomposure right now,,, i wouldnt mind trading places,
TG: hopefully you make it out alive.
TG: try not to get sawed in half, or whatever the legends say.
TG: sooo how bout that message, can you try to reach vrissy?
GG: ,,, Sorry,
GG: ,,, Things are getting a bit,,, fussy,,,
GG: I cant respond adequately,,,
TG: come on tav, really?
GG: ,,, I have to go,
TG: god dammit.
TG: ok!!!! fine.
TG: i'll just do it myself.
-- thespiansGlamor [TG] ceased pestering glutinousGymnast [GG] --