(John and Vriska: Touch down.)
JOHN: whew!
JOHN: that was quite the race.
VRISKA: C'mon.
VRISKA: That was 8arely a warm-up!
JOHN: jeez.
JOHN: i guess i'm out of shape.
JOHN: i didn't even know you could BE out of shape with magical floating powers...
VRISKA: Well, that's what sitting around like a depressing 8oring loser for sweeps gets you!
VRISKA: You'll just have to get 8ack IN shape.
JOHN: man, i guess so.
JOHN: hey, now that i've got you here, why did you lead us directly to the meteor?
JOHN: we did both kind of mutually mention that there was a transportalizer pretty much directly to the lab in roxy's house, right?
VRISKA: Sure. And?
JOHN: well i just think maybe it might've been a little less risky to go that way, instead of weaving through battle ships and cross fire and all that war junk.
VRISKA: Less risky, may8e, 8ut also wayyyyyyyy less fun.
VRISKA: C'mon, wasn't it a pretty sweet joyride?
VRISKA: It's nice to give the ol' wings a stretch!
JOHN: hehe, that's true.
JOHN: but i think now that we're here, we should probably get inside before someone notices us.
JOHN: roxy taught me a secret knock to use in times like these, she'll reco-