SWIFER: We've been workin' for sweeps on this malarkey!
SWIFER: We put in the elbow grease, but not a single Creator but the Matriarch even cared.
SWIFER: We were fightin' mortals.
SWIFER: But then this Crocker comes along and just blusters straight into the clutches of all've the grimy filthy rich regressives!
SWIFER: Starts parroting their talking points, giving them her infinite fantasy money...
SWIFER: All I'm saying is I'm not too bothered by what's happening here.
SWIFER: The kidnapping, and all.
CLIPER: ⁂ionno. not sure its a good idea, swif⁂
CLIPER: ⁂lemme be clear, tho, ionnt have one iota of respect for 'president' jane crocker⁂
CLIPER: ⁂its just. politics on this planet used to make sense, mann⁂
CLIPER: ⁂it wasnt great but at least ya knew the rules⁂
CLIPER: ⁂now we have to deal with this shit thats just completely impossible to take seriously⁂
CLIPER: ⁂ionn think i cann pretend that makinn the fuckinn CAT VERSION of the seer of light a QUEEN is a good idea⁂
SWIFER: Look, I think she's neat.
CLIPER: ⁂of course you do, you big gay slut⁂
SWIFER: Oh, you cad.
SWIFER: Not like that. I just think we're workin' in extraordinary times.
SWIFER: For five thousand years, the position of Matriarch sits vacant.
SWIFER: Waiting for Kanaya Maryam.
SWIFER: Then she goes to space and goes all "Swifer I Must Go To Space To Retrieve My Wife You May Take Over As Matriarch While I Am Away".
SWIFER: I'm in way over my head.
SWIFER: Queen Jasprose might not be the most... stable leader, but every minute she's occupying the president is a minute she's not rollin' back our legal protections!
SWIFER: And who knows? Maybe she'll change!
SWIFER: Either way, I need all the help I can get from my moirail right now.
SWIFER: We're in a huge mess, and you know how I feel about messes.
CLIPER: ⁂i do know⁂
CLIPER: ⁂youll always have my help⁂
CLIPER: ⁂no matter how many weirdo technicolor gods show up⁂
SWIFER: I know you do, C.
SWIFER: Look. When we get back from this, things are gonna be even crazier. Press in our faces, the whole nine yards.
SWIFER: We might as well have fun while we can, eh?
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Look, tootsie. There's another thing I wanted to talk to you about.
JANE: Another political excoriation?
JANE: Perhaps an insult to my intelligence?
JANE: Or another clumsy pass?
JASPROSESPRITE^2: I'm completely charming you and you know it.
JANE: Hmph.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: It's about Dirk.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Have things purrhaps been a bit diffurent inside your head since he left?
JANE: What?
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Let me put it in a slightly more clawnical and detached fashion.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Have you been hearing fewer voices?