So what do you want, buddy? How do you get off coming in here and slapping down pictures of your hot daughter? What's going on here?
Just thought you might be interested in going into business, he says. Unless you're busy, of course. He would never presume to intrude on a gentleman's time.
An AVERAGE BARTENDER is polishing a glass behind the counter. That's what bartenders do, you guess. Just polish glasses. You wouldn't want an unpolished glass, would you? That would be absolutely unacceptable. This guy looks at you the same way he always does. Like he knows exactly what kind of useless you've been recently, coming in here every night, drinking the same acceptable whisky. How could anyone be traipsing in here and asking for this asshole's help, is what this guy is saying to you. You can read it on his ratty little face. What do you know, motherfucker? You're incredible at helping. At doing shit and getting shit done. In fact, you are just about to go help this fellow find his daughter. Fuck it.
You got it, buddy?