Okay, yes, you got it. You know he's there, you fucking see him. You've seen him the whole time, standing in the corner bold as brass, watching one of his toughs rough you up, acting like he hadn't just dropped you like a piece of garbage to tread underfoot. Like he hadn't gone and shacked up with the Midnight Crew's most dastardly and sworn enemy.
That wasn't a dream, was it? That really was that Snowman dame back there.
The elegant lady with the white gun? Your friend grunts. Yeah, that definitely wasn't a dream.
Huh. You thought for sure she was dead.
Spades Slick has got his arms crossed, watching you with those cruel, steady eyes. You know those eyes. Those eyes are for enemies.
Enemies? Slick laughs. Maybe you should talk about enemies, Droog, seeing as how you've gotten all buddy buddy with one of those weird out-of-towners.
What the fuck. You mean this guy? You're hardly buddies, and you're pretty sure he's harmless. Bought you a drink, lit your cigarette.