
SILAS: This is bound to be far enough, right?
IMODE: Please i'm 💀
SILAS: Not that we've escaped by any means, since it's lookin' like this whole mess is getting bigger than our school, but a gal's gotta rest her gams.
AVRIL: Silas, if you turn around and use the wall you'll do a much more effective soleus stretch #anklemobility #tensiontherapy
SILAS: I'll let you know when I'm in the market for sports advice, darlin.
AVRIL: suit yourself. let's keep moving, then, yeah?
IMODE: we're not all triathletes here, bro.
IMODE: lemme take a ⏱️ to 😮💨 before we figure out where to go next.
AVRIL: wait don't you know?
AVRIL: we were following YOU this whole time.
AVRIL: i thought you were the #brainsoftheoperation
AVRIL: or like, you at least understood the shit the teacher was telling us about our infinitesimal power or whatever #crypticshit
IMODE: I mean it seemed like we were supposed to 🔎 it as we went.
IMODE: Like what's the point of our teacher being a wise guru trope if he's just gonna give us the answer right when we 🙏 for it?
IMODE: You 👂 what he said about the next step 📞 to us, same as i did. Don't you feel it pulling at you?
IMODE: 🤷 what exactly it means, but I'm sure as fuck gonna follow it if it helps undo the mess you put my friend in.
AVRIL: oh so this is all my fault??
SILAS: Woah are you seein' this.
AVRIL: how about how i gave up my shot because i thought you knew what you were doing.
AVRIL: but you just have a HUNCH that we'll magically run into, what?
AVRIL: some hint we NPCs can share with your main character friend?
AVRIL: nice. #wasteoftime #thanksfornothing
IMODE: I didn't make you do 💩!
IMODE: You got called out about caring more about your likes than actually standing up for something that matters, and then you followed me out the window your own damn self!
IMODE: I 💭 it was because you finally realized you could do something to help three people make it out of this war alive instead of sit back and profit off posting about their deaths, but I guess not!
SILAS: Hey y'all shut the fuck up!!!!!!!