Your name is DIAMONDS DROOG and you are currently OUT OF WORK. You've gone by other names in other lives, but we're not talking about those right now, capiche? What, you're going to come in here and try to drag a man's past up out of the swirling miasma of the dead years he's left behind him? Get outta here. Your name is DIAMONDS DROOG, and that's all you've really got to say on the matter.
As was previously stated, you're currently OUT OF WORK. You used to run with a crew, see? A notorious gang of cutthroats and assholes. Those were really the days. Nobody could hear your name without shivering in their spats. Well, after they asked you to clarify if you were talking about the city, or the time of night. But after that you bet your ass they quaked in those fashionable shoes.
But all good things come to an end, don't they. You know that better than anyone. That's why you're here, in this SLEAZY DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT, nursing a perfectly PASSABLE GLASS OF BOOZE, when you could be out there, RUNNING CAPERS and SEDUCING BROADS.
With your boss gone, there's really nothing for this shitty little town to offer a guy like you. Nothing here ever changes.