Posted on 1 February 2025 by MilesHey dudes! Miles here, with the briefest and most tantalizing of updates. It’s been another month of minimal releases, but that’s only because the team is hard, hard at work on the upcoming animation, which, I find myself inclined to stress, is looking soooooooo cooooooool...! We seriously can’t wait to drop it and see what you guys think; after the Vrisual Novel, it’s been so fun to watch the team stretch our talents even further to get out the first of many animations and the first (major) [S] page. As I may have mentioned earlier in a newspost or a writers’ commentary or some other place where I was invited to do what I do best and run my mouth, we are getting very very very (very) close to wrapping up the first Act, and I’m so excited not only for the imminent [S] page but for all the adventures that come next, sooner than feels possible. We know it’s been a dry couple months, but we’re hoping to drop the flash this month (waw!) and get back to the races.
Of course, I’d be remiss not to emphasize how grateful the entire team is for your continued support, guys, whether you be readers, patrons, vicarious observers getting Homestuck data through vague social media cultural osmosis, or web traffic that ended up here by accident. We all say it often, but getting to do this is a dream come true, and we can only hope you guys get even half as much enjoyment reading HS:BC as we get making it.
Thus, beyond the ultimate treat of our humble narrative, it behooves me to mention that we’re also working on some more goodies for you guys.
Have you all enjoyed spending time with your wonderful friend, plush Karkat? Is his compact cuteness, his subtle yet undeniable charm, not a delight to all six senses? I find it hard to believe that the answer to either of these questions could possibly be ‘no’. Perhaps you’ve found yourself wondering, though, whether or not he might be getting a little lonely. Karkats, after all, are a social species, and they only sit silently on your shelf, or bed, or the floor, or wherever you happen to have perched him, when they are very stressed. You may not have known this; certainly I do not blame you for it, and luckily there is a solution on the way, to both his woe and, I imagine, yours: there are 2 more plushes going through the refinement process, RIGHT NOW.
“But Miles,” I hear some of you asking, “do I need these? I have plenty of other plushies for Karkat to socialize with!” I’m going to be frank with you. He doesn’t even know those guys. He needs his friends. Perhaps, in time, he might even have a chance to reunite with... all of them?
Enough of my theatrics. Enough about Karkat. Karkat I don’t mean that. Karkat please come back. Karkat I miss you. Karkat I think about you all the time. Karkat I miss what we had.
That just about covers it! As mentioned, we’re hoping to get the [S] page out to you guys this month, and in a pretty short time we’d also love to do a few more community-engagement type thingies, whether they be streams, AMAs, or even some other stuff! Or maybe a combination of the above.
At any rate, look forward to the flash! If only there was some handy visual indicator to communicate to you all precisely how finished it was...
Wait, really? Shit. I should probably think about getting out of here!
Fleeing with love and gratitude,