Posted on 2 February 2024 by James Hi, James Here. Another Month, Another Post. That is the way of the world sometimes. Not much to report this month, I don’t think? Andrew offered some new HICU licenses, but the one I was most excited to announce is still... being worked on? Some sort of legal situation being hammered out. Booooooooring. I used 8 o’s there for fun. I hope you liked it.
But whoa! Vast Error! That's pretty cool. It actually doesn’t change much for either party involved. It just allows them to do what they’ve been doing the whole time without fear of legal repercussions. It’s largely a formality! Or is it?
It is. I’m sorry for that little bit of deceitful playfulness.
Behind the scenes it has been a busy month. We are deep in "the talks" with some "merch" guys. What else... Oh! Some 15 year anniversary stuff. Gosh. Still trying to reach the last of the OG music team for this vinyl, but if we can’t reach them we’ll go forward with what we have which is already a star-studded cast of The Hits. A lot of little things here and there that are ultimately kind of mundane. Unless you’d like to hear about the meeting I sat in on that I wish was an email.
As per usual, the update will come mid-month, and this ones a doozy. There are so many words. I hope you like to read. I personally do not. I actually close my eyes while typing so that I don’t have to see what I’m saying. I don’t do that, I’m sorry. I keep lying for fun because nobody stops me.
Well that's it from me for now. Enjoy the Patreon posts, enjoy the day, and in a few weeks enjoy the update!