Hi, James here. New website with a new URL, but your old bookmarks should work fine too. Update later in the month as usual. Some great bonus material up on Patreon, and as a special treat we’re releasing this ...[Read More]
Hi, James here. Happy Lunar New Year! We got our monthly illustration going up today over on Patreon. This one is by our Art Director Kim! It’s so cool and stars my favorite character. Which character? I’ll never tell. I’ve never mentioned it. Don’t look ...[Read More]
Hi, James Here. Another Month, Another Post. That is the way of the world sometimes. Not much to report this month, I don’t think? Andrew offered some new HICU licenses, but the one I was most excited to announce is still... being worked on? Some sort of...[Read More]
Hi, James here. It finally happened. I promised something that wasn't done would be done and it isn't. As easily as I could chalk this up to being Classic Homestuck, this is actually just a shortcoming on my part. I'm sorry. I wanted the website to...[Read More]
Hi, James here. Hope you had a good holiday! New year, new me! New you! Whatever, man! We got the usual patreon updates for you. Wahoo! Did you know that's a kind of fish? I watch a lot of fishing videos. If everything goes right and nothing goes wrong we...[Read More]16-20 of 27